Monday, March 21, 2011

Season 20 Hall of Fame Voting Results

On jonas's prompting, I sent a ticket to WIS to get the vote totals of the Hall of Fame voting for this season.  Here are the results:
  1. Bart Kirby - 14
  2. Brent Meche - 13
  3. Domingo Pizzaro - 12
  4. J.D. Acosta - 10
  5. Julio Lee - 10
  6. Stan Hunt - 9
  7. David Santayana - 7
  8. Andy Scott - 7
  9. Albert Lecuona - 5
  10. Tom Daly - 4
  11. Bey Meacham - 4
  12. Miguel Vazquez - 3
  13. Jay Carmona - 3
  14. Lawrence Rhodes - 2
  15. Horace Gulan - 2
  16. Steve Burks - 1
  17. Philip Ray - 1
  18. Julio Valenzuela - 1
  19. Cookie Holt - 1
  20. Sal Stark - 1
  21. Jim Tatum - 1
  22. Stephen Ball - 1

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